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Xamarin Forms

How to detect screen keyboard appearance changes

·5 mins

Detecting on-screen keyboard toggles and proper handling of such changes can be quite tricky. Android tries to deal with those events on its own but its behavior is often far from perfect. iOS, on the other hand, leaves all the work to an app developer. Both approaches have its advantages and disadvantages but sooner or later each mobile app dev will have to face this problem.

Badge icon notification in Xamarin.Forms ToolbarItems on iOS

·5 mins

Most of iPhone and iPad users can easily recognize icon badges - the pattern for application notifications typically presented in app icon or navigation bar. People that got used to this pattern might want to have the same user experience in their Xamarin Forms application. This post describes how to customize the navigation toolbar in iOS to dynamically display such elements.

Tappable label in Xamarin.Forms

·2 mins

Adding tap/click handling to Xamarin.Forms Label is fairly easy. You can do it both in XAML or code behind using GesureRecognizers collection like it is described in this recipe. Unfortunately if you plan to use this solution intensively in your app it will add quite a lot of repeatable code for setting up those handlers (especially in XAML)