Once again about the SharePoint 2010 taxonomy service.
As I wrote in my previous posts, loading data into MMD service automatically can be quite a challenge.
If you have ever had to load large number of data into SharePoint MMD service or build taxonomies automatically you have likely encountered the following problem:
Recently, when I was working on mechanism of automatic synchronization of tree structures provided by web service to SharePoint taxonomies, I came across an error like this:
For the years I have developed .Net projects I’ve found many useful solutions on CodePlex repository. Some of them are only drafts of ideas but there are also many products that are ready to use on production environments.
Looking for some solution for batch items update I’ve run into the following problem: when I clicked a checkbox in top right corner of the list (actually a document library) “All Items” view, the browser displayed an error: You cannot select more than 100 items at once.
I’m working in a team that builds and maintains a big document management system. Since SharePoint itself is not the best option for storing large amount of files (which can be also quite large) and serving them (performance, content DB size limitations etc.
Lately I was looking for some example on how to replace the attachment in document library (SP2010) without changing the version number but without any results.
Few days ago I faced with the problem of linking to default view page of custom document library (for purposes of redirection with Source parameter after uploading new document and filling it’s meta data form).
As I wrote previously the one of my recent projects was to create a new upload page for specific Document Library (based on custom list template) that will use Telerik Upload component (Silverlight) and will entirely replace OOB upload.