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Testing integration with GCS in Go

·5 mins

As I wrote in my previous post, I have a strong preference towards automated acceptance testing on a service-level. So, when I recently faced a need of creating a Go API related to file management that uses GCS as a storage, I started looking for some way to test it this way. Unfortunately, Google doesn’t provide any simulator for GCS similar and there is also no the-one-to-rule-them-all tool such as Localstack, which I’ve been successfully using for years working with AWS services. I found fsouza/fake-gcs-server good enough and quite popular, so I started with that. Although, there are some samples in the project itself and a couple of blog posts how to start using it, I had to solve a couple of issues, which I think can be interesting, if you’re working with this tool in your Go application.

Do we still need testing pyramid?

·4 mins

This text will be rather reflective than instructional, which can be surprising compared to other articles on this blog. However after almost 7 years without any new text, this shouldn’t be any shock, even if you - somehow - managed to follow me here ;-)

How to detect screen keyboard appearance changes

·5 mins

Detecting on-screen keyboard toggles and proper handling of such changes can be quite tricky. Android tries to deal with those events on its own but its behavior is often far from perfect. iOS, on the other hand, leaves all the work to an app developer. Both approaches have its advantages and disadvantages but sooner or later each mobile app dev will have to face this problem.

Enterprise patterns for configuration in Xamarin app. Part 1: Mocking external dependencies

·5 mins

Modern mobile apps are rarely developed as offline-only. They typically communicate with backend services that feed them with data, keeps in sync with their web equivalents or allows for various external integrations. The backend part is most often developed by different teams in their own pace. The mobile part can be often developed faster thus it waits for the full integration.